“I just need to get the interview.” That statement is more than words, it’s a mentality that I find most people live by when searching for a new opportunity. Though you may be qualified for a position, and even land the interview, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the “right job” for you. Over the last fifteen years, I have placed thousands of job seekers in new and exciting roles. That said, along the way I have found dozens that lost out on great opportunities because they didn’t put the time in beforehand to consider whether the position was right for them.
Based on my extensive experience in the healthcare industry, I’ve compiled a short list that I like to share with all my job seekers.
1. Facility Location and Daily Commute
Location is the driving force that encompasses our day-to-day lives. For those of us who live in the city, finding a job five, ten, or even fifteen miles away could mean a long commute in traffic. It’s important to understand what city you live in, what expectation you have for a daily commute and whether the facility location will really work for you on a permanent basis.
I can’t count how many times job seekers apply for a position, ensure me and my employers that the location is great, then interview, receive an offer and start working, to later leave because the commute was too much for them.
2. Setting Proper Expectations
Employers are looking for more than a skilled candidate. They want their future employee to fit into their culture, compensation structure and team-dynamics. Facilities are upfront about the details surrounding their company, team, job responsibilities, upward mobility, benefits and compensation.
Yet, even with presenting all these details up front, job seekers continue to agree to a compensation range, set an employer’s expectations to only find themselves in the offer stage to later change what they want. This inconsistency often leads to employers rescinding offers and job seekers losing out on great opportunities.
3. Benefit Costs & Work Flexibility
Benefit costs vary greatly company to company, as does work flexibility. Many job seekers often over look these details early on in the process and find themselves concerned with the numbers and schedule during the offer stage.
Employers remain transparent, and happily provide this information early on in the process. It’s important as a job seeker to review this information, understand how these things will impact your compensation and work/life balance prior to diving into a formal interview.